Let me start by noting something I am updating on my About page.
I am a cybersecurity business owner and expert witness. That is how I make my living. I write as a hobby and as a way of “thinking on paper” (how I used to describe my writing process). Writing for me is like breathing. And if I want to think something through - perhaps experimenting with ideas - I do so at the keyboard.
But I will not charge a subscription fee for my Substack newsletter. I do not contribute enough content, nor can I scrub it as well as I should, to merit payment.
I get paid to dig into network architectures and software code to flesh out security holes and vulnerabilities. Or I get paid even more to walk lawyers through the in’s and out’s of cybersecurity and technology so they can effectively represent their client. That is where I add real value - so that is where I charge real money.
I don’t add enough value here with my writing to justify charging for it.
More than anything else, Thomas Paine’s Blog is where we Occupy the Language. We refuse the totalitarian domination of the language, and use words however we damn well please.
So my chat questions are designed to drive the conversation in precisely that direction - toward a mutual understanding among common people and away from the sophistry of the think tank, faculty lounge, and pseudo-expert class talking heads on mainstream media.
How to get started
Download the app by clicking this link or the button below. Substack Chat is now available on both iOS and Android.
Open the app and tap the Chat icon. It looks like two bubbles in the bottom bar, and you’ll see a row for my chat inside.
That’s it! Jump into my thread to say hi, and if you have any issues, check out Substack’s FAQ.